System76’s COSMIC desktop environment (ecosystem?) is shaping up to be something truly out of this world, combining modern design with intuitive navigation, embracing customisation, and taking full advantage of the benefits that being built in Rust brings.

But every project needs branding. Fluff to a few, but an important signpost to most. Good branding helps encapsulate and convey the ideals and tone of a project, and lend it a unique identity people can instantly recognise and come to love.

Today, COSMIC got its own.

Behold: the official COSMIC logo, work mark, slogan, and colours:

Image: System76

Explaining the idea behind the branding and the snappy slogan “Visions Enacted, Users Empowered”, and how it all plays into the COSMIC experience, System 76 say: –

“COSMIC makes it easy for distro developers to create the experience they envision for their users, while empowering users to curate an environment that works for them. This is the crux of COSMIC that became its slogan.”

“The open-ended ‘O’ logo mark not only represents a display, but also signifies an unwavering commitment to open source, an invitation for community, and vast possibility through customization.

O for O–MG, YES!

First COSMIC Alpha Coming Very Soon

Screenshot of the COSMIC desktop environment in tiled mode
COSMIC desktop in tiling mode

Alongside the unveiling of this new branding, System76 also announce that a COSMIC Freedom sale will run June 26 – July 9th, sandwiched around another well-known freedom day: July 4th, America’s Independence Day (from us lot)!

During the sale, select System76’s laptops, desktops, and mechanical keyboards (yep, they’re making keyboards now) get $30-$200 savings on their list prices. And every purchase of a computer during the sale comes with a free COSMIC t-shirt and stickers, which is ace.

And if the new branding, device discounts, free garms, and a sheet of adhesive annoyances to plaster your cat with don’t seem sweet enough, System76 also reveal that the first COSMIC Alpha will arrive in late July.

Alpha releases of anything are, obviously, far from finished or flawless. But if you’ve been clamouring to go hands-on with the COSMIC desktop to get a handle on what it’s all about, that first, formal alpha release is coming – so keep an eye out.

Seems this summer is shaping up to be a pretty COSMIC one!

(Too cheesy? 🪤)